Our certificates

BIRN Germany uses certified management systems and works actively to continuously improve the systems for the benefit of our company, our customers and other stakeholders.

ISO 9001
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ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is a certification of our quality management system, demonstrating our commitment to consistency, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

For many the certification is synonymous with quality and effective management, combined with structured customer dialogue.

The standard is based on a number of quality management principles, with a continuous focus on customers, motivation and involvement of senior management, process approach and improvements.

With the certification we have thus committed to increasing efficiency and reducing the number of product defects. 

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EcoVadis is considered to be a world leader in its field and is recognised for its thorough and detailed analyses of corporate sustainability based on a range of criteria in relation to climate, environment, labour and human rights, ethics and procurement. The entire BIRN Group renewed its EcoVadis certification in 2023.
The result of the certification has been assessed based on our efforts in the E, S and G areas, where we have succeeded in mapping our waste streams, training our employees in energy optimisation, and improving energy efficiency through technology and equipment upgrades. In the S area, we have reviewed safety equipment and introduced a health check option for employees. In the G area, we have established a whistleblower scheme and been recognised for high IT security. 


We take responsibility

At BIRN Germany, we work proactively to reduce the negative environmental impact connected to our business.

Manufacturers around the world trust us to bring out the best in their most critical parts – and we're ready to earn your trust.

Dennis Kilmanek, Managing Director 

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